Know your pet buying rights

Bringing a new companion into your life is an exciting journey, but it's essential to be well-informed about your consumer rights, whether you're buying a puppy, kitten, or any other pet. At PetProov, we're not just about secure transactions; we're committed to ensuring you have all the information you need to make responsible choices for your future pet.

Your consumer rights can vary based on several factors, including where you purchased your pet, how you paid for it, the information you have about your pet, and the written records you possess. We'll break it down for you:

Buying from a Business Seller:

  • Pets are considered 'goods' under the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

  • Goods must be of satisfactory quality, fit for their purpose, and as described.

  • If these rights are breached when purchasing from business sellers (e.g., pet shops), you may be entitled to a refund or replacement.

Buying from a Private Seller:

  • If you buy a pet from a private seller, some parts of the Consumer Rights Act may not apply.

  • Your right is for the pet to match the description given by the seller.

  • The seller must accurately describe the animal and not misrepresent it.

Ask the right questions before you buy

When purchasing from a private seller, it's crucial to ask questions and gather information to protect your rights and your pet's well-being:

  • Inquire about the animal's health, vaccinations, and treatments.

  • Learn about the health history of the animal's parents.

  • Gather details about the animal's background, including its breeding.

  • Ask for proof of breed or species.

  • Discuss any specialized needs related to the animal's breed or species.

Always get receipts and any accompanying paperwork when buying a pet. If possible, pay by credit card to enhance your rights under the chargeback scheme or Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act if disputes arise.

Record and vet check your new pet

After bringing your pet home, ensure their well-being by taking these steps:

  • Get your pet scanned for a microchip as soon as possible.

  • Have your pet examined and treated for fleas and worms.

  • Consult a vet for a comprehensive health check, including weight, eyes, ears, and teeth.

Avoiding issues with PetProov

Now that you know your pet buying rights, let's explore how PetProov can be your trusted companion on your journey to responsible pet ownership. Our mission is to ensure secure and ethical pet transactions, and here's how we help you avoid issues:

  1. Identity Verification: With PetProov, you can verify the identity of both buyers and breeders. Knowing who you're dealing with is the first step in ensuring a safe and trustworthy transaction.

  2. Ethical Breeding Practices: We connect you with responsible breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their animals. Say goodbye to uncertainties about the background of your future pet.

  3. Animal Welfare: PetProov is deeply committed to pet welfare. We encourage breeders to meet ethical standards and provide the best care for their animals. Our platform empowers you to make choices that align with your values.

By using PetProov, you can navigate the pet buying process with confidence, knowing that you have access to reliable information and trusted partners. We're here to make every pet transaction as secure and transparent as possible.

Knowledge is your best ally in responsible pet ownership, and PetProov is your trusted guide. Together, we can create a world where every pet finds a loving and caring home.


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